Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Jet lag

Ok, this time jet lag liao. Wake up at 2.30am in the morning, force myself go back sleep. And wake up again in 3am, then 4am. Ok, I'm enough liao. Will wait until 7am and go to work.

God please give me strength today, again I need to talk to monkeys, donkeys and morons.


  1. hahaha good to hear that.

    you are old man now.

    sleep less and work more.

    good for u> kekeke

  2. -.- u r not much younger than me also.

  3. yupe but my body biological is much younger than you. kekeke

    I still can sleeep like pig. wakaka.

    p/s: you not used to it for few days only. later, you will become ....

  4. Pls dun take GulfAir 2am flight to KL....

  5. hah, i will never take that flight.
    btw, u going home?

    here need t&c for bms T.T need ur help.
