Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nice article from Haruki Murakami - If I love you

如果我爱你, 而你正巧的也爱我.....

那你生病的时候, 我会去照顾你, 陪你到好.

你骑车的时候, 我会要你小心点, 还要你到的时候打电话跟我说.

你忘了吃晚餐时, 我会装做很生气, 然后说: 你这样会让我很担心耶!

你头发乱的时候, 我会笑笑的替你拨一拨, 然后手还留恋的在你发上多待几秒...

你想哭, 我会陪你掉泪, 尽管前一刻我的心情是多雀跃 ~

你要笑, 我会陪你笑出声, 不管我上一秒是多么的沮丧...

我在空闲的时候, 会念念你的名字, 想想你的声音.

我在逛街的时候, 会想到 "啊! 你正好也缺了这个.."

我在发现了好东西的时候, 一定马上想到 "一定要你来看看!"

我失眠了之后, 听到你也失了眠, 会在心理偷笑.

我在熬夜时, 接到你只为了说声 : "不要太累! 要早点睡了.... " 的电话, 会甜甜的笑着而乖乖的去睡......

我在想你的时候, 会知道你也在想我.

但是如果我爱你, 而你不巧的不爱我.....

那你生病的时候, 我只会打通电话慰问你, 不敢奢求待在你身边.

你骑车的时候, 我只会暗暗在心中希望你安全.

你忘了吃晚餐, 我也只会笑笑的问: 为什么不吃呢?

你头发乱了, 我只能轻轻告诉你: 头发乱了喔~~

你想哭, 我只能在旁边无奈的轻轻叹气着.

你想笑, 我只能微微地对你笑着...

我在空闲的时候, 还是会念念你的名字, 想想你的声音.

在逛街的时候, 会想到 "是谁帮你买了这个呢? "

我发现好东西的时候, 会无奈的想着会是谁告诉你这个好消息呢?

我失眠之后, 会躲着不让你看见我的黑眼圈.

我在熬夜时, 不敢期待会有电话声响起来.....

我在想你的时候, 会想到这时的你是在想着谁?

如果我不再爱你了.... 那么我一定就不爱你了, 我会去爱上别人....

世上有什么不会失去的东西吗? 我相信有, 你最好也相信!

村上春树 :
鱼说 : 你看不见我眼中的泪,因为我在水中....
水说 : 我能感觉你的泪,因为你在我的心里....

The fish said "You cannot see the tear in my eyes, because I in water..."
The water said "I can feel your tear, because you in my heart...."

Monday, March 26, 2007

What's wrong with this photo?

It's from a live plant. What wrong with it? :)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Does Management really know their Staffs?

On walking into the factory, the MD noticed a young boy leaning against the wall, doing nothing.

He approached the young man and calmly said to him, "How much do you earn?"

The young man was quite amazed that he was asked such a personal question, he replied, none the less, "I earn $ 2 000.00 a month, Sir. Why?"

Without answering, the MD took out his wallet and removed $ 6000.00 cash then gave it to the young man and said: "Around here I pay people for working, not for standing around looking pretty! Here is 3 months 'salary', now GET OUT and don't come back".

The young man turned around and was quickly out of sight. Noticing a few onlookers, the MD said in a very upset manner: "And that applies for everybody in this company".

He approached one of the onlookers and asked him, "Who's the young man that I just fired?"

To which an amazing reply came of, "He was the pizza delivery man, Sir...!!!"

Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's 30th

Ok, today is my birthday. It's the 30th one, and as usual

  • I'm still not married
  • I'm still stupid
  • I'm (also my litter Xiao Qiang) still strong XD
  • I'm still working for my boss
  • I'm still poor
  • I'm still dream to be a rich man
  • I'm still driving my SEG (sorry no G actually)
  • I'm still a super genius
  • I'm still like chicken rice
  • I'm still have a dream
  • I'm still ...

but some how, I'm not young :(

Nothing is changed, just the time is different.
I want to kill myself if I keep on writing this T_T
Wish myself, happy birthday.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Toyota Vios

I promise myself to get one. But before that, I need to end my stupidity.

Motorola phone charging problem. SOLVED!

We all know that Motorola phone always have charging problem after sometime. What actually happen? What went wrong?

My girlfriend family got a Motorola phone, and as usual it stop charging after 1-2 years. So once again as an electronic engineer, I'm going to repair it.

After open the cover, I checked the continuity. Look OK. Then I try to shake the connector. Surprise, the legs are moving.

It's soldering problem! The solder is not secure enough. Therefore after plug and unplug the connection for sometime, the solder will crack and the phone will have charging problem by then.

It's spend me 1/2 hour just to solder these pins. I think I need to get myself a surface mount soldering kit. The phone now back to normal charging function.

I'm not sure about the new Motorola phone, but old model which have this kind of connection will have this design defect. So if your Motorola phone stop charging, you should know what went wrong.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Maxis broadband

If you pissed off with Streamyx, and your are within 3G area, maybe you can try Maxis wireless broadband build on 3.5G HSDPA.

How fast can it go?

Here is the testing done in Subang Jaya. Thank to Jamie lend me the modem for testing.

How much its cost?

Well, basically cheaper than Streamyx if you are not "download monster". A basic 384kbps package is RM50 per month and the modem rental is RM18 or you can buy it with RM299.

By the way, Maxis doesn't give me any commission for advertising its product, I just share an option with you. I think that what blog is meant for.

Friday, March 09, 2007

How much is 100 million?

Previously, I was wonder how much actually 1 million is. How to describe it. But today I start to thinking how much actually is 100 million.

  1. Basic description.

    • I like eat chicken rice, so how many dishes of chicken rice that need to be sold so that total sales is 100 million. If a chicken rice is $3.50 per dish, then 28,571,428 dishes need to be sold. All Malaysian need to eat at least a dish of the chicken rice to make up to this number.

  2. Expensive description

    • The gold price per gram is around $73.50. Therefore, 100 million can buy 1,360,544 gram of gold or in other word, 1.36 tonnes of gold. Almost a weight of a Camry.

  3. Luxury description

    • The size of $100 is 150mm x 69mm, a 100 million can make up to 1,035,000 m2, which is the area of 75.5 football fields.

I wonder how much of heat that can be produced by a 100 million of $1 notes. Can use to heat up water for my shower ah?

Monday, March 05, 2007

My organizer

Lot of people nowadays bringing lot of gadgets, phone, PDA, PALM, notebook, MP3, etc. Most of them are happy with the product basic functions.

I have a Sony Ericsson K610 and a ASUS W3A notebook. Since I'm electronic engineer and majoring in communication, I would like to see them talking to each other. How?

I like Sony Ericsson because they are release all their phone information for other to develop application for their phone. You can go here to check on your S.E. phone (that why S.E. phone is for engineer). Personally I don't use software from S.E., it just too huge to install it and delay my notebook startup. So I use MyPhoneExplorer by F.J., very small and free application but it has everything you need.

On the notebook, I installed a organiser called Rainlendar by Rainy. Another small freeware but powerful enough for personal used.

Once you installed both, just select enable the synchronization function in MyPhoneExplorer and you are ready to have same database on PC and your phone.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Is 15th!

Today is 15th of the lunar calender, and it is Chap Goh Meh (actually this phase is come from Hokkien, it mean end of fifteen; Chap Goh is fifteen and Meh is end or tail) or in Chinese it's called Yuan Xiao "元宵". It's also a Chinese Valentine. Today girl will throw orange into the river to wish for a good lover and the man will pick up the orange and become the lover :)

Yesterday, as "usual" I work until today morning, thanks to Nick for helping me this time (he had off his hand phone again to prevent me to call him XD). Anyone watch the lunar eclipse today at 4AM? I slept at 3AM, so don't expect me to wake up at 4AM.

Share with us if you captured any photo.

So today, the Chinese New Year ended :(



The new year is just begin, only the festival is ended. So keep all the holiday mood and begin another hardworking year. Who know, maybe next year you can became your own boss.

Friday, March 02, 2007


According to oxford, teamwork mean the combined effective action of a group.

Wikipedia defined it more clearly as a concept of people working together cooperatively, as in a sports team.

As for me, I defined it as a group of people that have same hobby and dream moving towards a same direction.

Case 1:
The company said "Let us fight for a 100 million sales this year, by our teamwork we can do it". The director looking at the 100 million money, but the worker looking at 100 million job. So it will fail and not to mansion about teamwork.

Case 2:
The company said "Let us fight for a 100 million sales this year, by our teamwork we can do it and if we achieve it, I will share 1% of the profit". This time the director looking at the 100 million money, and some worker looking at 1% profit but some still cleaver enough looking at the 100 million job. So it have some changes to success. From here we can see the effect of teamwork.

Case 3:
The company said "Let me be your partner and we fight for a 100 million sales this year, by our teamwork we can do it. We share whatever profit that we make this year". This time, the director and the worker are looking at the 100 million money. So it mostly will success.

Same dream, same direction, that what I call teamwork.

A joke from internet
There were four people named
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and
Everybody was asked to do it.

Everybody was sure Somebody would do it,
Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that, because it was
Everybody's job.

Everybody thought Anybody could do it but
Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody
when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.