Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Are you ready?

Ok, Bolehland government announce the increment of the petrol from RM1.92 to RM2.70, which is RM0.78 or 40% increment.

So what happen next? Everything will up. The transportation fees are up, therefore, everything directly related or non-directly related are up. Those goods will not walk itself to the market. Do you think, this is the worst case? No! the next increment is on August, which is 2 months from now. At that time, the petrol price will be open to fluctuate according to market price. So, what is the price? It's > RM4.00.

As usual our PM make announcement that they will not increase the price today and will study on the petrol price. The next minute, as usual he change his fucking mind and announce the increment immediately today. I saw cars queuing on the petrol station to get the last drop of cheat petrol. Roads those are usually free moving are jam because too many drivers are trying to save some petrol money.

So what are the direct impact on me? I used to use around RM350 per month for my petrol and for new price, I will need to pay extra around RM150 per month and in other word, RM1800 per year. This is not yet including others increment.

So what can we do?
You can't do anything cause the government is not belong to the peoples, it's belong to some fucker. And we are so sohai to select those fuckers to work for us.

If you are interested, read this about the RM600 billion story.

What is the impact to Malaysia and Malaysian?

I'm not economist therefore I don't really know what actually going to be happen (you can read this). And from the engineer's point of view, it is going to be a very serious inflation.

Whether you like it or not, or you're happy or not, the Bolehland government will not pay a fuck of consideration nor sympathy to you. Just prepare yourself for the next wave.

Good luck!


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Remove fuel subsidies. Shall remove some earth prince susidies?

  2. ya.. we were real sohais' for letting them run the country.
    Pukimak betul!

  3. economically they have done the right thing. the only thing is that many people are unprepared for this, you know lar we Malaysians always like to take things for granted one and when something happens only we react to it...

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    anounce during peak hour after work. everywhere jammed like tommorow no fuel. Can they announce in the early morning?

  5. I think increment of petrol... sure happen one, but if the government clever enough they will use those money to benefit our people. It is a great news. But, if the stupid + fxxx governmment use for their own pocket, then our country will be bankrupt soon.

    If i am government, i will never select on the peak hour, i will put it on saturday or sunday.

    10q for their stupidity, and cause me traffic from kelana jaya back to puchong around 5 hours yesterday. Fxxx la..

    I really go to die and also not vote for you stupid government

  6. just kidnap their ( the head of goverment and head of companies ) sons/daughters and bitchslap them until they become sohai before releasing them...that way they won't do what their fathers did to us...good idea ar?

  7. toh, basically i dont agreed with you.

    1. according to the study, we "enjoy" the most expensive oil among oil producer around the world. if the petrol price is so high, then we should happy cause our country is earning more. why, we are still so poor?

    2. our pm like usual never commit his words. this minute he say no increase and next minute he increase the price. can we trust this kind of con-man?

    3. do they study the effect of the increment? what happen to the economy? people life? the social? if the "saving" that from the deduction will cause serious impact to the country, then they should re-strategy. and not apply it with no brain.

    4. is gov. heard our voice? no, they do whatever they want to make themself happy. and the suffer leave it to the people.

    malaysia is rich but most of the malaysians are poor. and we are suffer from some sohai selfish action.

  8. Anonymous5:35 PM

    2007 declare no conteng before out from chalet. But conteng done before chalet open it's door.

    2/13 paper written no cabinet dismiss, declare the rumours is fake. But dismiss on the same day.

    6/3,6/4, no petrol hike within 6 months, only at august. But declare on 6/5 at RM 2.70.

    How many lies we have to listen?
