Thursday, January 22, 2009

The greatest team

It's fun to work with a group of peoples that have same target and same direction. The task maybe tough, but we keep on fighting till the end, cause we are the "main cont." :)


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    actually the whole company should have the same direction.

    Not just engineering having their own direction, or contracts having their own mission, or projects having their own objectives

    Different directions are the recipe to argument, finger pointing and tai chi.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    i would like to work with whole company with same direction but most of the time there are people of top management having 'personal agenda' in term of awarding job to certain sub-con, fixing price of PO, preference in early payment to certain sub-con and siphoning project payment money to other place; leaving my sub-con in lurch etc.

    Any stupid idiot will smell the link between these sub-con with the top people.

    This is the 'same' direction i get from my management.

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    The Dynasty have same direction. All on the same siphone aparatus.

    Internal, too much division. All chi chi wai wai. The design one arrogant. The project one all sucks. They all taichi master btw. The contract lead lagi significant useless. Thanks for useless.

    Title "The greatest team" not fit unless u admit u are not the greatest.

  4. then i should change my blog title to "The greatest Sohais"

    happy new year to all my friends, sohais and not forget all fuckers.


  5. Anonymous3:15 PM

    let see if the new gm will be the savior or the just another siphoning sucker.

  6. oh man, i saw so many down faces at yesterday's dinner, just not worth it, man. Anyway, happy chinese new year to all

  7. happy chinese new year!
    I will you and your family happy celebrate cow chinese new year!!!

  8. Voon, happy new year 2 u too

  9. time will tell.

    forget about those fucking thing, it's new year time.

    enjoy yourself with your family.

  10. Anonymous1:42 PM

    happy chinese new year to all.

    too bad, there is no maxis broadband coverage in my seremban home. i only getting 53kb speed on my broadband modem.

  11. Anonymous8:27 PM

    dear pro reform and anonymous, if you are not fucking happy, why don't you leave the fucking company.

    Shut your fucking asshole lookalike mouth and stop fucking complain if you are here to stay.
