Monday, August 20, 2007

The best car ever make is on the road again

Finally, my car is back and it's more powerful.


  1. more powerful? you dropped in a Levin powerplant ar? neways, good to se that he repairs have gone well.

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    loisy car! Buy a New One la

  3. brader... go get a paint job... kasi tukar itu wheels, then as jamie puts it go get a Levin engine... then you can smoke everbody la including the the black chevy which my friend drives... heheheeh

  4. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Ding, sad to say that your car still looks like the same old junk ... kakakaka

  5. SEG is a good car, even in stock's reliable, quite fuel efficient, and the spare parts for most items are it is no surprise that 'cheap' people like to drive this SEG, kakakaka

  6. hey want to trade in wif my Type R ? very fast 1, nice and comfey, you can even control it using 1 finger know my number, just press the call button and speak...

  7. jamie, levin 4a-ge, wah hahahaha.....
    stanley, i think you didnt watch initial-d. not worth for me to talk to you. bye bye.
    wan, advice taken.
    anon, try me and you will know. loser.
    threadbare, haha better than your stupid waja. anyway, i would like to exchange my 2 tire with your city. ok?

  8. Anonymous12:04 PM

    have you replace the burnt bulb? if not, can outsource to me. cheap cheap only... but pro.

    MS provided. chargeman to start-up. fire watchman with extinguisher will be there.

    performance test 2 hrs. briefing to every one before comm.

  9. cyk, you're always the best. hahaha... but i think you're sick, i can cure you, also cheap cheap only, ms provided, with ambulance standby with oxygen tank, pretty nurse serve you with at least 2 button unbutton. briefing will be given to everyone including the cleaner and pre-test with monkey :)
