Monday, July 25, 2011

Puzzle of the day

One day, Wisely and Dinstein are running on the Olympic stadium running track. They started from same point with back -to-back position and running in opposite direction. Wisely finished 6 tracks in an hour while Dinstein only able to finish 5 tracks.

They started by facing away from each other and at the end of 1 hour they reach back to the same point and facing each other. Count how many times they have met on the running track in 1 hour.


  1. tell the answer la

  2. 11 times.

    lets say if both running at same speed and they finish 1 round in an hour, how many time they met? the answer is 2, one at the middle and the other one at end.

    then lets say Wisely runs 2 rounds and Dinstein runs 1 rounds, how many time they met? answer is 3, one at some place near 1/3 of the track, second at 2/3 of the track and last is at the end.

    so the total times they met is equal to the sum of tracks, in this case 6+5=11.
