Tuesday, November 13, 2007

You know why you join this company?

I miss the good old day.


  1. i also miss the good 'ol days.....make me wanna cry

  2. haha, i just want to cha you this time :p

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Terrance miss KJ?? DOOOOHHhhhhhhh

  4. dunno? maybe was a supersohai last time and still is...

  5. i think i was a moron......and maybe a supersohai too.....haiz kena cha by a sohai,i must be a supersohai then...

  6. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Tranlation from above posting by Terence:
    SKDING = Sohai


    Terence: What you miss in KJ anyway?

  7. tan, no mistake, i'm sohai, hope to become a supersohai one day.

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    No need to miss kj la, it was a 'den of thieves' when u were there.... and still is.

    Still a gold mine for the elites, a summer camp for their cronies and a concentration camp for true hard working workers.

    Pareto law is much alive here...
    80% of the $$$$$ is diverted to 20% of the employees(elites la).
    80% of the work is accomplished by 20% of the workers.

  9. i think it is basically a chinaman+1 not chinaman company, which is perfectly alright, because the comp i'm working for now is also a chinaman company. for these type of companies although the top 10% or 5% or whatever usually get 80% or even more of the $$$, they each have their own ways to 'compensate' for the $$$ in-balance. if i am the top 20%, i'll do the same way because me myself am chinaman also, so please when you have already sign on the job letter and agreed to work for these type of companies, no use to complain too much about the $$$, you should know what you're gonna get.

  10. Anonymous10:43 AM

    "Still a gold mine for the elites, a summer camp for their cronies and a concentration camp for true hard working workers."

    Sounds like Bolehland!! We shall wear yellow, have our own "berseh" demostration and hand over memorandum to Roland!! Let's see they will spray us with chemical and water cannon....or even worse.

  11. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Toh, you seem like role model employee.

    Should get you back to KJ and brainwash all my staffs. So they will be happy and CONtented.

  12. 1 of the worker, agreed with you, our hardwork will only making our boss getting richer and richer but we are getting worst cos all the projects are losing money. i dont know why but i just work like bangela as long as i can fill my stomach then ok already. dare not think of extra.

    cutie, ya, cant complain too much.

    yet another worker, please do so. we always support you.

    boss, you should take this sohai back. let us brainwash this guy.

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    the door is always open....

    one of the 'best performing worker' is resigning and don't even bother to wait for the 'bonus'... so, all the self acclaimed sohai, pls put up the pillow and review.

    look like grass is greener at the desert.

  14. cyk, been to the desert and yup, its paradise there...wanna follow on the next trip?..kekekeke. working like bangela doesn't count la...its how you know to carry balls and bodek that counts here bro.

    1 of the worker : u hit the hammer on the head there

    yet another 1: yeah..good idea!! should start wearing yellow underwear and moon the motherfuckers in power.

    alooo cutie...still in the supersohai club i see..

  15. btw CYK...you mentioned bonus...got meh? u hear anything that we supersohais didn't hear ar?

  16. Anonymous9:27 PM

    cutie dun wan to leave the supersohai club just yet to join the ordinary sohais, perhaps when genius become a supersohai then i will leave this exclusive club...

  17. Anonymous4:08 PM

    someone at the top said that this company has reported to the HQ that bonus will be given 3 times this year...

    btw, where has the allocated bonus money gone,if the above 'rumour' is happened to be tru????

  18. Anonymous5:15 PM

    3 times??!!!! 1/4 month each time?

  19. Anonymous5:15 PM

    3 times??!!!! 1/4 month each time?

  20. hey i heard is 3 months each time x 3 time.

  21. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Then I will cut off my head and let u use it as your chair....

  22. dont know le, i heard jepun said.

  23. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Jepun getting his own personal bonus next month already.

  24. cyk: ya, i heard that we are getting 3 months bonus from somewhere also but you know and I know laa right?

    genius: nope, its 3 months x 3 months x the years of your service...good ar?

  25. Anonymous8:48 AM

    shut up and go and fix the leaking tank .... u people don't want bonus izzit?

  26. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Which tank leaking????

  27. all tank leaking = worst nightmare

  28. Anonymous11:36 AM

    To all Sohai,
    I will give all of you 3 x bonus every 3 months...

    Wait for next 10 years. Then, i will fullfill my promise

  29. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Do first, bonus talk later.
